Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Power Ballads - On My Own

How have I come so far and not mentioned this gem? Does it qualify as a power ballad? I'm not sure but I've decided to live dangerously and call it one. Oh how I love this song. It's written by the legendary Burt Bacharach so of course it's fantastic and I don't know how I forgot to mention it when I posted about him. The lyrics are so sad - how many divorcing couples have listened to this and wept?

Michael McDonald was a bit of an 80s legend, I love Sweet Freedom and Yah Mo Be There. Rock on Michael. And Patti needs no introduction. She's sporting a rather funky red jumpsuit in the video.


  1. Ooh I didn't know this was a Burt song! *puts in random facts section of brain*

  2. I had no idea this was from Burt's oevre. see, this is such an educational blog!
