Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Jule's apartment in St Elmo's Fire

My love for St Elmo's Fire is well documented. However, I don't believe I've covered Jule's apartment. It's pink and it has a light installation of Billy Idol. I spent years yearning for this apartment. Look at that shot above and tell me you don't want to move in. I adore it.

While I'm here, let's have some St Elmo gifs.

St Elmo's photo tumblr_lznfqvgdgu1qgk327o1_500_zps67acb1e5.gif

St Elmo's Fire photo tumblr_mqcqyc1pxB1rnwzqjo1_250_zps802cc14e.gif

St Elmo's Fire photo tumblr_mmkloleGYP1qjw4ujo1_500_zps84fd3d80.gif

St Elmo's photo tumblr_lmazqhmpqN1qzds02o1_r2_500_zpsa47735e2.gif

St Elmo's Fire photo tumblr_mryjqxmXFJ1sbhxjro3_500_zps0818f2ae.gif

St Elmo's photo tumblr_m51jez0pTk1rxd4ogo1_500_zpsed69096f.gif

St Elmo's Fire photo tumblr_ms2hx4yAji1sezoa7o1_500_zps95a46a58.gif

St Elmo's Fire photo tumblr_mrf5cvcPNG1qjif5vo1_500_zps39739b7d.gif

St Elmo's photo tumblr_mbxjzq0MDB1qcq45eo1_500_zpsa76d27f2.gif

St Elmo's photo tumblr_m2fqxeJkdV1rn13obo1_500_zps4fe188e0.gif

It must be time to watch it again.


  1. What on earth is that last gif all about? It looks like some bad 80's music video

  2. It's Jules having her mini breakdown of course. Billy sorts her out by telling her about Saint Elmo's Fire. Obviously.
