Saturday 10 August 2013

Broadcast News

Yet another Netflix treasure, I've not seen this since it came out (ummmm, 26 years ago). This is one of those intelligent mainstream films that just don't get made anymore. Albert Brooks is wonderful, I don't know why he isn't in more, he's a fantastic actor. Of course some might say his high point is being the voice of Marlin in Finding Nemo but I think this comes close.

Holly Hunter is also a complete joy. She's one of my favourite actresses; smart, cute and funny. I have issues with the William Hurt character, he just isn't very nice and I don't think Jane would be interested in him. Is he really that handsome? I don't get it.

Now, a confession, all this time I thought Albert Brooks directed this but it was James L. Brooks. You can see why I was confused. He also directed Terms of Endearment (which I can't watch without becoming a basket case) and As Good As It Gets (which I've never seen but it's on Netflix so it's only a matter of time). The guy has only directed six films one of which is an Adam Sandler film called Spanglish. Truly, Hollywood works in mysterious ways.

This is still an excellent film. It is clever, thought-provoking and it has Joan Cusack. That makes two Joan Cusack films in a row! Joan with big hair, again:

Love her. I am considering having a Joan Cusack season.

Finally, it has Lois Chiles in it. Her from The Way We Were, Moonraker and Dallas. Did you know she had a relationship with Don Henley? Never say I don't educate you.


  1. I haven't seen this in YEARS. I must hunt it down for a re-viewing. I don't get the Willaim Hurt thing either; he is just so bleeeuur.
    If Terms of Endearment reduces you to floods of tears may I suggest NOT watching it alongside The Railway Children as a double bill ..... something my firend Juliet and I did 15 years ago. We still talk about the trauma it caused.

  2. Well, since I can't bear The Railway Children (film, love the book), this is unlikely to happen!
