Saturday 2 March 2013


Sometimes I wonder if I am asleep on the job with this blog. It's been over two years and no Aha post? Morten, Mags and Pal made one of the best pop songs of all time, Take On Me. I heard it on the radio this morning and it simply doesn't date. It's a few minutes of pop perfection with a great video to go with it.

I was never a huge Aha fan. I didn't dislike them but they didn't get my pulse racing. However, they did make some good songs. Apart from the majestic Take On Me, we have The Sun Always Shines on TV (which has a great intro), Hunting High and Low and ermm, The Living Daylights. The fact they were invited to do a Bond theme demonstrates how huge they were (and how mightily George Michael has been robbed).

I leave you with Take On Me, a sunny Saturday delight.

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