Saturday 16 February 2013

John Farnham - You're The Voice

I heard this on the radio the other day and found myself singing along. Worryingly I knew every word. I'm not Australian so how did this happen?

By rights I should hate this song, it has bagpipes in it and there is no instrument on earth I loathe more than bagpipes. But I have a soft spot for it. It's almost a power ballad don't you think? I am going to call it one.

I thought John Farnham was a one hit wonder but Wikipedia tells me he has had loads of hits in Australia. In fact it seems he is the Cliff Richard of Australia, I don't consider that a compliment but there is no denying Cliff is popular. I had no idea. Every Australian I know goes mad for this song but I didn't realise he was such a legend.

You're The Voice is a great rousing song to listen to when driving through majestic countryside. Or sitting at home in London eating your porridge on a Saturday morning.

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