Monday, 24 December 2012

I raise a glass to... now updated as I forgot a few

2012 has been quite a year and in many ways, it's been fabulous. After all, we had an extra bank holiday (thanks Queenie) and the Olympics came to town (well it did if you live in London, sorry if you don't and I mean that on so many levels). However, it's been a year of some very sad celebrity deaths. Since losing my mother a few years ago and my father in law in January, I feel somehow much sadder when I hear about deaths. So I apologise for being maudlin on Christmas Eve but I like to think this is a post to celebrate some people I really will miss. And yes, I think it's possible to miss people you don't know. I am not a nutter but these people are part of my childhood or have contributed to our cultural fabric or both. So yes, I will miss them.

First up, Etta James. Queen of the wedding song, At Last. It could be cheesy but it's such a beautiful song and she surely does belt it out. Also, I can't not comment on her eyebrows. Check them out!

Whitney Houston. I still feel sad when I think about Whitney. It's just such a waste. Nobody sang like Whitney.

Donna Summer. She was the queen of disco and changed the face of the dance floor.

Adam Yauch. Him from the Beastie Boys. He was only 47. I still love (You Gotta) Fight For Your Rights (To Party)!

Robin Gibb. I know I've posted twice about Robin but really, it's not fair.

Hal David. Here is what he looked like, one of the greatest lyricists who ever lived. Why do birds suddenly appear, every time, you are near?

Nora Ephron. A woman of enormous talent who was rocking it in the 70s. She's an inspiration.

Helen Gurley Brown. Every girl goes through their Cosmopolitan phase. Read more about Helen, she was awesome.

Andy Williams. The king of smooth. Music To Watch Girls By is a party classic.

Larry Hagman. Larry knew how to live life, bless him. The world is somehow a smaller place.

Neil Armstrong. He went to the moon. Have you gone to the moon? What a guy.

In my original post I forgot two important people. First up Davy Jones. The Monkees gave us some of the best pop songs.

And Tony Scott. I am so sad about Tony. His passing inspired ScottFest chez TeenTowers - we watched all his best films and it took quite some time let me tell you. We've still not finished ScottFest with the ultimate film, Top Gun.

Take a moment to remember the ones who've passed. And live every moment my friends. Merry Christmas.


  1. And today I heard that Quincy (Jack Klugman) died. What a sad year

  2. Tony Scott! After the outpouring of grief at Perennial Towers I can't believe he was forgotten in the original post (and that I didn't notice). I vote that Top Gun is watched on NYE

  3. I think I was in denial! Top Gun is out and waiting.
