Sunday 14 October 2012

Bond themes: We Have All The Time In The World

This is a beautiful song, yes it's sentimental but Louis sings it so sweetly, I can't imagine anyone not being moved by it. This is from On Her Majesty's Secret Service, a much under-rated film due to George Lazenby only lasting for one Bond outing. I think it would be good to remake this one as it's a great story and is, of course, the film where Bond gets married.

This song suits the film very well, it's has a lovely feel to it and doesn't have the drama of some of the other Bond songs which is just right. 10/10 Mr Armstrong.

In other news, not long now until Skyfall, y'all seen the trailer? I am so excited, it looks excellent. I don't often get excited by trailers but I always look forward to new Bond. I've already booked my ticket.

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