Wednesday, 27 June 2012

The Dukes of Hazzard

You may be wondering why it's taken me so long to talk about The Dukes of Hazzard and the reason is simple, the opening credits weren't on YouTube and really, what is a post about TDOH without that marvellous opening?

I am happy to say that now some are uploaded but they are still not quite right. There is a very long version that a fanboy seems to have put together and with the wrong song or there is the song but no credits. So perhaps the answer is to watch this one for the song:

And this one for the visuals:

I loved those Duke boys so much. Saturday tea time was not complete without watching this. I don't know why I loved it so much because it was the same show week after week - the Duke boys would outwit Rosco and Boss Hogg and there would be a car chase, Daisy would look sexy and well, that's about it. I just loved how they got in their car (never using the doors), the fact the car was called The General Lee and again, the general Southern nature of it all. The rebel cry, the Dixie horn - really, I should have just been born in Georgia, not Essex. Without the racism obviously.

It's hard to think of a finer theme tune that The Good Old Boys. I've just had a wave of nostalgia listening to it again. There is no equivalent now to these types of shows and it's a crying shame. Innocent, tea time fun. I just need a Club biscuit and a packet of Skips and I'll be in heaven.


  1. Oh how I loved this show! I might have to put Luke Duke onto my tv crush list

  2. A friend of mine reminded me the other day that my love for Luke Duke (aka Tom Wopat)knows no barriers. In 1999 she and I were on a shopping trip to NYC and Annie Get Your Gun was on being revived the stage. Tom was playing Frank Butler and not only did I persuade my friend that we HAD to see the show, I also made her stand at the stage door afterwards so I could get his autograph.
    I'm not sure she's forgiven me yet.
