Monday 9 April 2012

Rainy days and Mondays - songs about rain

It's a bank holiday Monday so naturally it is raining. I know we need the rain but couldn't it have waited until we were back at work?

I've decided to turn the negative into a positive and bring you some songs that mention rain! I know, I thought it was a great idea too! I've done a search in my iTunes library and guess what jumped out at me first? The great man himself, Bazza with I Made It Through The Rain. Here he is singing it in Vegas. Nobody emotes like Barry.

Next, Barbra with Don't Rain On My Parade. It needs no introduction, here she is looking fab-u-lous.

James Taylor, Fire and Rain. One of my all-time favourite songs.

posted about November Rain last May where I mentioned it had 40 million views on YouTube - it's now at 87 million. I wonder if the extra 47 million came from me mentioning it?!

Songs mentioning rain are very emotional aren't they? Sing it Karen.

and Prince. He breaks my heart.

Let's lighten the mood with Five Star! Wooooooo. One of the happiest songs. Sing along and gasp at the costumes.

No list is complete without some Burt.

There is only one way to close this list. With the sublimely optimistic Gene Kelly.

I hope this has cheered up your rainy Monday a bit. If Kermit and Gene can make the most of the rain, so can we!

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