Thursday 15 December 2011

Christmas songs - Emmy the Great & Tim Wheeler

Last night I went to a gig which is not something I do often but this was special. I confess now that Emmy is my cousin and so I am biased but I think she is fabulous. She has made a Christmas album with Tim Wheeler (from Ash) and last night was a one-off gig of Christmas magic.

I really do think that you should listen to this album as it's great fun. I am obliged to buy Emmy's records but can honestly say (and you know I wouldn't lie) that I do enjoy them but somehow I've enjoyed this one the most. It must be my innate love of kitsch because this is so cheesy. Jesus the Reindeer is brilliant and was my highlight last night. That and having Last Christmas dedicated to ME! I can die happy now I've had a song from the stage dedicated to me.

The single from the album is Home for the Holidays and I should warn you it's an earworm. It has the cutest video that makes you feel quite nostalgic for Christmasses past. Plus Emmy has an awesome jacket that I want. It's the free single of the week on iTunes this week too.

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