Monday 1 August 2011

A celebration of summer one-hit wonders

At last we have some sunny hot weather in London and my thoughts turned to cheesy summertime hits. These fall into two categories: classic summer hits (Club Tropicana, La Isla Bonita etc) and one-hit wonders that remind you of two weeks in the Costa Del Sol. Today we shall be focusing on the latter.

First up, Sabrina with Boys Boys Boys. There are no words for this other than to say this was before FHM magazine and teenage boys had to look at something. Really one of the worst songs ever made but without a doubt, a summer song.

Baltimora, Tarzan Boy. I have something of a soft spot for this. It's so ridiculous, how could you not smile when you hear it?

Moving into the 90s, we have Saturday Night by Whigfield. It's worth remembering that a dance routine being involved adds to the summer fun.

Speaking of which, Macarena! I love this one. The two old dudes look like they can't believe their luck!

Finally, Las Ketchup! I kid you not when I say this is Teenboy's favourite song. Maybe not of all time but he certainly likes it enough to comment when it comes on the radio. It's worth pointing out he is a Motorhead fan. I also like this, it's very summery and happy.

What have I missed? I know there are loads so comment me up people. You've all been very quiet recently, are you on a Spanish beach somewhere sipping sangria?

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