Tuesday 9 August 2011

The Bangles

One of the things I love about Gilmore Girls is how much Lorelei loves The Bangles. It's perfect scripting as Lorelei would absolutely love The Bangles. All the cool kids loved them. They had three memorable hits, I don't have a huge amount of time for Eternal Flame but Manic Monday is fantastic. Of course as Prince wrote it I'd expect it to be fabulous. It was one of my mum's favourite songs, she loved the chorus: "I wish it was Sunday, that's my fun day, my I don't have to run day" - so clever and so true.

However, for me, it's all about Walk Like An Egyptian. A novelty record that manages to be completely awesome. I wish I had thought to have this played at my wedding but alas, if I'd had every song I wanted played at my wedding we'd all still be at my wedding. It had one of the best videos of the 80s, it's so cute and endearing. And it will forever win for this lyric: "gold crocodiles, they snap their teeth on a cigarette."

We only wish we could be this cool.

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