Tuesday 28 June 2011

Summer songs - Hips Don't Lie, Shakira

I admit to having a soft spot for Shakira. I think she has a great voice and is more than just a pretty blonde shaking her booty. Anyone who can sing "lucky that my breasts are small and humble so you don't compare them to a mountain" is a legend in my book.

This song is featured in Dirty Dancing 2 (which is honestly, I promise you, worth a watch) but not with Shakira singing it. Once she came along it was a mammoth hit and rightly so. It's the very definition of catchy. I love it and it is, without a doubt, a proper summer song.

It's overcast and rainy here after our one day of 90 degree heat yesterday. So let's watch this and pretend we are in Cuba or somewhere sexy and steamy and are dancing with some handsome Latino man.

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