Saturday 30 April 2011

Summer songs - Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns 'n' Roses

I don't think we've delved into my rock chick side enough. In a parallel universe, I am a rock groupie hanging out in LA with bands like Guns 'n' Roses circa 1987. I love Appetite for Destruction possibly more than words can describe. It's hard to pick a favourite as I adore Paradise City and Welcome to the Jungle but if pushed, it would have to be Sweet Child O' Mine. It took me a lost weekend to master it on Guitar Hero. Which everyone knows is the same as real guitar.

Guns 'n' Roses were the perfect rock band. They looked the part. They had the best band name ever. They did copious amount of drugs and they wrote songs like this. A song that makes you want to throw open all the windows, crank up the volume and move somewhere with 365 days of sunshine and a beach. Somewhere like LA.

When I lived in Albuquerque, this song was on the jukebox all the time in the one and only Joe's Bar (I hear on good authority it is still there). Every time it came on me and my partner in crime would wig out maaaaaaaaaaan. We loved it. Especially if we were playing pinball at the same time. Living the dream baby.

It goes without saying that I had a crush on Slash. Over 18 million views on YouTube and we're allowed to share it. Thank you Axl.

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