Saturday, 5 March 2011

River Phoenix

I've written before about some deaths hitting you right in the heart and I mentioned River then. The Keanu post earlier today got me thinking about him and I just watched the trailer for My Own Private Idaho. River was my generation's Heath Ledger. A talented actor who left us way too soon. He died 18 years ago. I have three favourite River films.

1) My Own Private Idaho. A very pretentious film and looking at the trailer, it is so very 90s. A time when Sky magazine (remember that?) was popular and The Face. It is, however, quite a good film and mainly because of River's performance. He is heartbreaking in this. And it has added Keanu goodness of course. This is the best scene:

2) Running on Empty. If you don't know this film, you really should. It's wonderful and it has this scene that introduced me to this seminal James Taylor song. I think of River whenever I hear this.

3) Stand By Me. Well, of course. Top 80s film. Top film of any time. Who doesn't love Stand By Me? It's heart-warming and this is coming from someone who finds it hard to find much heart-warming. I love the friendship between the boys and that final scene. I am welling up just thinking about it. That killer line which isn't even spoken: "I never had any friends later in life like I did when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"

RIP River.


  1. Oh Stand By Me....he acted everyone else out of the cinema. Have you heard the song River by Natalie Merchant? I have to skip it on the CD if I am feeling a bit blah

  2. I have to add Sneakers to end list of River films I love. Yes, it's silly but I still *heart* it

  3. I haven't Diff - I shall Spotify.

    I've never seen Sneakers! Must rectify this.

  4. Yes you must! Of course it has the added bouns of Robert Redford
