Sunday 27 February 2011

Power Ballads - If I Could Turn Back Time, Cher

In honour of Oscar Night, may I present Cher? Here is a woman who knows that the Oscars are no occasion for a tasteful little Armani number. Oh no. How I miss the days where stars would push the boat out and give us all something to talk about. Jennifer Aniston, take note. This is how you turn up to an award ceremony. God bless you Cher.

While we're on Cher, she is also a woman who is no slouch in the power ballads department. Again, there is a veritable smörgåsbord for us to choose from. I Found Someone was a close runner-up but really, when a video is as fine as this, there is no choice. Sing it Cher. And one day, I will have that Leather and Lace themed party....

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