Sunday, 6 February 2011


If there is one film that sums up being a perennial teenager, it is surely Grease. A film of pure joy and sheer wonder. One that I never, ever tire of watching. I saw this film when it came out in 1978 and it was the first film I'd watched where I immediately wanted to watch it again. I was seven. I went to stay with my nan in London and begged her to take me to see it again so she did (god rest her soul) and that was the last time she went to the cinema (she died in 1990). I think it was a bit much for her. She was horrified by some of the lines: "Where are you going? To flog your log?" and the sex in the back of the car. But ask any kid who saw this and nobody remembers that. They remember the songs. And what songs. I adore them all especially the Frankie Valli title song.

John Travolta is probably my favourite actor. I try and ignore his crazy Scientologist ways and just think of him in this - all cuteness and dimples and his dancing. Nobody can tear up a dancefloor like John. Him and Olivia are magical together. Of course my favourite character is Rizzo. I am sure she is every girl's favourite. She has the best wardrobe, the best lines and is playing to perfection by Stockard. I'll watch anything Stockard is in based on her performance in this. She was 32 or 33 when she played this part. Everyone in this was too old for the part but it doesn't matter one bit, you still believe in them all.

It's a musical masterpiece and it's such fun. I can't think of any other musical that is as funny as Grease. The 50s retro setting is fabulous - it makes you want to go to an American high school and have a boy carry your books for you. My favourite scene is the dance scene where Cha Cha steals Danny away and they win the trophy. My sister and I call this scene 'the onion' because everytime we watch it, we see something new. If you don't know what I mean, you are not watching it closely enough.

I can't find that clip on YouTube so I shall leave you with the song that makes you ache for summer and smile like a loon.

Grease is the word. Enjoy.


  1. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's what you do with your dancin' shoes.

  2. If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter!
