Saturday 30 August 2014

Trading Places

I am having something of an Eddie Murphy moment. Last week TeenBoy and I settled down to watch Trading Places since it was on Tivo and we felt like some comedy. I have a confession to make, I have never watched this film all the way through. I've seen snippets of course but somehow this passed me by. I don't know how since it has Jamie Lee Curtis in it and she is one of my favourite actresses.

Better late than never and it's a total hoot. Once you get over how young they all look that is, especially Dan Ackroyd. What a cast! Denholm Elliot is wonderful. James Belushi turns up in the train scene, this scene was stupid, sorry but it was. But I love James Belushi. Also, it has the principal from The Breakfast Club in it! Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy are both stellar, playing with lives for the fun of it. All in all, it was a perfect couple of hours and it made me want to go and do some exercise as Jamie Lee Curtis's body is unbelievable. I say want to, I didn't of course...

Sunday 17 August 2014

Axel Foley's theme

I am currently working on a project with someone called Axel. I don't know how anyone is meant to keep a straight face. Every meeting or call I have with him, the Foley theme goes through my mind.

It's brightening up my day.

Sunday 3 August 2014

The Good Wife

I am still watching Breaking Bad (three episodes left and my heart can't take much more) however, I need something a little more sedate for my commute to and from work. Step up The Good Wife. This is perfect, undemanding quality television. It has a fine cast, a good script and it's all very pleasing.

I almost find it too perfect. It's extremely slick, nobody raises their voice, everyone looks immaculate. Nonetheless, it's entertaining. Plus it has Grandma from Dawson's Creek in it! In fact, it has everyone in it - Big from Sex and the City, Carol from ER, Logan from Gilmore Girls and the wonderful Christine Baranski who I've liked since Cybil. Oh, and Mr Midnight Caller himself, Gary Cole. Bonus!

Enjoyment of this show relies heavily on your tolerance for courtroom scenes. I can watch these forever so I like it but it's not fast-moving. There is no sex (although it's quite sexy) and no violence so I can watch it safely on a train and not worry that my fellow commuters wonder about me.